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Analítiques i estadístiques


Citizen Science Toolkit Testing

  • School of Administration Sciences, Department of Maritime and Business Services
    Korai Str. 2, Chios (Greece)
  • 16:00 PM - 19:30 PM CEST
Avatar: Trobada oficial
Trobada oficial
Trobada privada Transparent

Citizen science can be a perfect instrument for generating policy recommendations for climate action. We propose a workshop to explore how citizen science is used in citizen climate assemblies, specifically in framing environmental problems related to climate change, providing knowledge to assemblypersons, and serving as a tool for monitoring the impact of policy recommendations. In this session, we will focus on how to deploy citizen science activities within a climate assembly and test the tools created for this purpose. 


Registration of participants [16:00 - 16:15]

Welcome, introduction and presentation [16:15 - 16:30]

  • Welcome from the organizers 

  • Agenda overview 

  • Presentation of the CLIMAS research project 

Overview of citizen science and climate assemblies [16:30 - 17:30]

How can we integrate the citizen science into citizens' climate assemblies? [16:30 - 16:40]

What is Citizen Science (CS)? (definition and examples of research projects) [16:40 - 16:50]

Participants introduction [16:50 - 17:20]

Ice breaking: If any, what is your experience with citizen science?

Climate Assemblies (definition, role, participants, scope) [17:20 - 17:30]

Break [17:30 - 17:45]

Climate assemblies role-playing [17:45 - 18:45]

You are a community of people who are part of a climate assembly, so you have been selected to participate in the climate assembly and deliberate about measures to tackle an important contamination issue, Marine Litter. Particularly, during the climate assembly the organization decided to perform a Citizen Science activity and give some information about how a particular project, Marine LitterWatch, can be used in the context of the climate assembly. 

You all should organize yourself to carry out an activity with this project. Take a look to the card and decide what activity you would like to perform in the context of the climate assembly. In the card you will find some ideas on how to perform these activities.  

Workshop objectives and description of the procedure, explanation of the cards [17:45 - 17:55]

Presentation of the discussion topic – Marine LitterWatch [17:55 - 18:00]

Work in groups [18:00 - 18:45]

Break [18:45 - 19:00]

Conclusions and summary [19:00 - 19:30]


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
