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Preparation of citizen science activities in climate assemblies

According to the co-creation process of the Citizen Science Toolkit and the CLIMAS methodology, the value of integrating citizen science practices into the climate assembly context is significant. Fortunately, citizen science is present in various spaces, including governments, schools, and civic organizations. Citizen scientists can be empowered people who can acquire and share deep knowledge and expertise around a certain topic, from framing concerns to monitoring recommendations. In the assembly context, they can contribute to breaking with top-down structures and dynamising the whole process. The potential for citizen science to be used or included in climate assemblies is high, provided that the organizers are open to utilizing knowledge built by citizens.  

The Citizen Science Toolkit is a living document currently under development, and any feedback you provide will be very welcome.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s research and innovation programme Horizon Europe under grant agreement No. 101094021.

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Understanding who is organizing the climate assembly and their main goals is crucial for aligning citizen science initiatives with the assembly's objectives. Knowing the organizers provides insights into their expertise, resources, and networks, which can help in effectively integrating citizen science. While defining the assembly's goals ensures that citizen science actions are targeted and relevant. 

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Establishing the timeline and current stage of the organizational process is vital for planning the integration of citizen science activities. This information helps in identifying the appropriate moments for introducing citizen science actions. It also ensures that there is sufficient time for the incorporation of the citizen science actions into the assembly. 

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