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Citizen Climate Assemblies (Session II)

  • Living Lab Ebre Bioterritori
    Carrer Lligallo de Lorente, 3 (Amposta)
  • 18:00 PM - 20:00 PM CET
Avatar: Official meeting
Official meeting
Private meeting Transparent

Co-creation session in the living lab


Welcome [18:00 - 18:05]

Living Lab Ebre Bioterritory

Introduction to the CLIMAS project [18:05 - 18:10]

Introduction to the co-creation process [18:10 - 18:15]

Icebreaking: What is your experience with citizen science? [18:15 - 18:25]

Analysis of the dimensions of citizen science projects that have been experiencing.

Analysis of the dimensions of citizen science projects that have been experiencing. [18:25 - 18:40]

Which citizen science projects have they experimented with? What evaluation do they make of each of the variables?

We ask them to stand up and write the name of the project and considerations for each of the variables on a post-it following the canvas we developed the previous day. In addition, we will ask some additional questions about their experience using the application.

Climate assemblies [18:40 - 18:55]

How can citizen science fit into climate assemblies? [18:55 - 19:25]

Wrap-up [19:25 - 19:35]


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